At Christ Church URC, we take safeguarding seriously.

Christ Church URC Tonbridge (Christ Church) takes safeguarding issues seriously and uses the URC Safeguarding Policy template, with additional local information. This policy works in conjunction with church procedures, which also requires all hirers to have their own safeguarding policies or sign to say they will abide by this policy.

Any concerns regarding safeguarding should be addressed to the church safeguarding officers who can be contacted using the form below. We also provide contact details on the church noticeboards..

Church related issues are passed to the United Reformed Synod Safeguarding Officer, who can also give support and guidance. We endeavor to implement best practice in policy and procedure to comply with government legislation and because it is the right thing to do.

Please use this form to contact the safeguarding officers or report a suspected safeguarding concern. Please provide as much relevant detail as possible. All enquiries will be followed up and treated in strict confidence. We will share information with the United Reformed Church area safeguarding officers wherever their experience or support would be helpful.
e.g. contact me by phone, or contact me by email, times when it is best to contact you

Safeguarding is taken seriously by Christ Church URC, Tonbridge Kent.

We acknowledge children’s and adults’ right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.

We consider that the welfare of children is paramount. We will follow legislation, statutory guidance – and recognised good practice in order to protect vulnerable people in our church.

We will seek to establish a caring environment in which there is an informed vigilance about the dangers of abuse. We will implement, maintain and regularly review the procedures outlined in this policy, which are designed to prevent and to be alert to such abuse.

We have appointed a Safeguarding Coordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator (see Church Boards), who will have specific responsibilities for safeguarding, although we recognise safeguarding is a whole church responsibility.  Please contact either of the safeguarding officers as appropriate. If unavailable alert any Elder, who will contact a safeguarding officer (see page 7 for other contact details).

We will organise activities in such a way as to promote a safe environment and minimise the risk of harm to children and adults.

We will follow a safer recruitment process for the selection and appointment of people to work with children or adults at risk, whether voluntary or paid, lay or ordained.

We are committed to providing support, supervision, resources and training to those who work with children and adults.

We will use rigorous and careful supervision to protect people from the risks associated with known offenders within the congregation, including implementing contracts with known offenders and those who have been assessed as posing a risk.

We believe that domestic abuse in all its forms is unacceptable and inconsistent with a Christian way of living and recognise that it can affect both adults and children.

All concerns and allegations of abuse will be responded to appropriately, including referring to the statutory authorities if necessary. We will co-operate with the statutory authorities in any investigation, will follow multi-agency decisions and will maintain confidentiality of any investigations to those directly involved.

We will refer concerns about staff – volunteers and paid, lay and ordained – that meet the relevant criteria to the Local Authority Designated Officer.

If you need to report a safeguarding incident, please see the following information.

If you have any concerns about the IMMEDIATE safety or welfare of a child CALL 999

For other urgent child, vulnerable adult (or any adult-at-risk) issues call 111 for advice.

If your concern involves a member of staff including the Minister, you may choose to contact the Southern Synod Safeguarding Officer or the Local Authority Designated Officer.

United Reformed Church Southern Synod Safeguarding Officer: Belinda Nielson

By phone: 07716 640 596         By email:

Or if you prefer, you can contact the following:

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):  03000 41 08 88  

03000 41 11 11 (LADO emergency contact number in office hours)

03000 41 91 91 (LADO emergency contact number outside of office hours)
